Design for an experiential corridor on the coastline of Oostende
The corridor as an architectural phenomenon is rarely acknowledged as a real space but rather seen as an ‘inter-space’ that leads from room A to room B. The conventional corridor brings one person from a certain spatial sphere to another one. The corridor itself is a neutral zone that makes this transition possible, the medium. In the corridor presented here, the merging of spatial spheres happens internally of the corridor space. The corridor is no longer the medium but the site of the event. On the edges of the corridor the different atmospheres reach a summum. Walking through the corridor, you experience architecture as atmosphere.

Length of the corridor defined by the relative mass of the duration of some actions. Average duration of 1) an earthquake 2 )a dream 3) an epileptic attack 4) a prayer 5) a yawn 6) a mood change 7 ) having a smoke.